Large Scale Optimization, Integer Programming, Network-based Algorithm, Simulation, and Time Series Analysis Application Domain: Energy, Petrochemistry, Supply Chain Management, Production & Distribution Planning, Logistics, and Scheduling
Publication - Heungjo An, Wilbert E. Wilhelm, 2014, An exact solution approach based on column generation and a partial-objective constraint, to design a lignocellulosic biofuel supply chain, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 71, pp.11–23 (SCI) - Heungjo An, Hyunsoo Lee, 2014, An integrated single vendor-single buyer production inventory system incorporating warehouse sizing decisions, Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 40 (1), pp. 108-117 - Heungjo An, Stephen W. Searcy, 2012, Economic and energy evaluation of a logistics system based on biomass modules, Biomass & Bioenergy, 46, pp. 190-202 (SCIE) - Heungjo An, Wilbert E. Wilhelm, Stephen W. Searcy, 2011, A mathematical model to design a lignocellulosic biofuel supply chain system with a case study based on a region in Central Texas, Bioresource Technology, 102 (17), pp. 7860-7870 (SCI) - Heungjo An, Wilbert E. Wilhelm, Stephen W. Searcy, 2010, Biofuel and Petroleum-based Fuel Supply Chain Research: A Literature Review, Biomass & Bioenergy, 35 (9), pp.3763-3774 (SCIE) - Heungjo An, Chan Woo Lee, Changhee Lee, 2000, Grain Growth Modeling of C-Mn Structural Steel in the Wed HAZ, Journal of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 38 (6), pp.841-850 (SCIE)
Presentation - Supply Chain Optimization of Bioenergy Industry, Invited Seminar at Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea, November 2012 - An Exact Solution Approach to Design a Lignocellulosic Biofuel Supply Chain, Invited Seminar at POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, May 2012 - A Column Generation Approach to Design a Biofuel Supply Chain, IIE Annual Conference, Reno, May 2011 - A Multi-commodity Flow Approach for Biomass/Biofuel Supply Chain Design, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, December 2010
Research Project
- An acceleration technique based on column generation for solving large-scale non-linear planning problems in the chemical process industry, 2014.12 - present, KFUPM
- Development of forecasting models to predict prices of chemical products based upon time series analysis method, 2011.3 -2014.7, LG Chem
- Development of scheduling system for naphtha cracking center, 2012.1 - 2012.12, LG Chem
- Economic and environmental evaluation of biomass logistics systems for biofuels, 2008.5 - 2011.8, U.S. Department of Energy